

Messing with PHP for nearly 10 years. Big fan of process automation, continuous integration and high quality code.

In my free time I hack on phpUnit and phpUnderControl.

If I could live in different time, it would most probably be Middle Ages. Castles, knights, tournaments…


  • Witam Panie Sebastianie,

    Pana praca moglaby zostac swietnie wykorzystana w jednym z nowatorksich projektow w Samsung UK (R&D). Jesli jest Pan zainteresowany szczegolami, prosze o kontakt.

    Marta Wasowicz

  • Hi Sebastian,

    This is an appeal for help…

    We’re looking to appoint a senior PHP developer in Cambridge for a photo image management software company – a technology lead business, with a developer oriented culture.

    I wondered if you could help spread the word some way with your network?

    The above link provides an outline of the opportunity.

    Many thanks, and I hope it has been okay to get in touch like this!


  • Hi Sebastian,

    I’m writing to you in regards to Web & PHP Magazine (http://webandphp.com). We’re going to be at ZendCon this year to promote the magazine and we want to put together a “special” issue which will be double in length. Thus, I am trying to track down industry experts to see if they would be interested in contributing. Would you be interested?

    Our magazine is downloaded around 5000 times a month plus, when we’re at ZendCon the issue will reach thousands more. Our articles range from 1000 words to 4000 word, so you wouldn’t be writing to a strict word limit and we would of course, encourage you to post the article on to your blog a couple of weeks after the issue has gone live.

    I really would love to work with you on this, what do you think?

    I look forward to hearing from you.

    Kind Regards,

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