March 6, 2012

PHP54Compatibility 0.2 released

Last night I have merged in a few pull requests adding additional sniffs to the existing collection and packaged it all. List of all supported checks is in the README file. Check the repository on github to see it. Big thanks go to Laura Beth, Nathaniel McHugh and Ben Selby for all the contributions. I have created a pear package and published it on my github pear channel so you can easily install it from there. No more alpha release either, so even easier to install.

$> pear channel-discover
$> pear install proofek/PHP54Compatibility

There are 2 dependencies at the moment: PHP 5.4 and PHP_CodeSniffer 1.3+. A few people asked my to downgrade the minimum PHP version to 5.3. The reason why I want PHP 5.4 is I want to use 5.4 tokaniser to make sure  code is parsed the way it will be parsed on the target PHP 5.4 platform. If you want to run pre-checks, before you actually upgrade to 5.4, use -f flag to perform forced installation:

$> pear install -f proofek/PHP54Compatibility

But I would still encourage you to upgrade first to get the best results.

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