March 2, 2012

PHP 5.4 Compatibility Coding Standard for PHP_CodeSniffer

So with PHP 5.3 upgrade underway (and PHP 5.4 out of the door now!) I thought it’s time to prepare for PHP 5.4 and make sure we’re compatible. So by looking at Wim Godden’s PHP53Compatibility code sniffs I have created a base for PHP 5.4 sniffs that we want to use to make sure we’re compatible. It’s a base, so it’s not finished/perfect in any sense so I will be relying heavily on PHP Community to help me out with it. I will obviously be working on it hard, but any pull requests are greatly appreciated.

So where is it then?! It’s on github! I have also set up my personal github PEAR channel and will release a first alpha package so you can install it easily.

Right, back to work!


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