September 13, 2010

Speaking at PHP NorthWest 2010

PHPNW10So, PHP North West 2010 conference is coming up! It will be held on 9th and 10th October 2010 in Manchester.

A year ago, when I was in Manchester at PHP NorthWest 2009 Conference I would never have thought that next year I will be on the other side of the room!

I will be speaking about The Journey towards Continuous Integration. If you haven’t heard about Continuous Integration (CI) or you have heard about it, but you don’t really know how or where to start, this talk is definitely for you. This are really exciting times for me, as this journey hasn’t finished yet and in fact I don’t even think I am half way through it! I am still learning and gaining new experience as I go along. Also, it wouldn’t be fair to say it was only me. There was, and still is, a team of really talented people involved, but I feel like I have already said too much.

So! There are still some tickets left, if you haven’t got yours yet. And there is plenty more to see, hear and learn. But be quick, as they won’t last long!  You can register here for a very reasonable price of £75 (+VAT) and the full schedule has been published here.

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